Thursday, 2 January 2025

Find All Triplets with Zero Sum


Problem Explanation: Find All Triplets with Zero Sum

The task is to find all unique triplets in an array that add up to zero. A triplet consists of three numbers, and the sum of these three numbers should be zero. For example:

Input[-1, 0, 1, 2, -1, -4]
Output[[-1, -1, 2], [-1, 0, 1]]

Approach to Solve the Problem

  1. Sort the Array:
    First, sort the array in ascending order. Sorting helps to efficiently find the triplets using two pointers.

  2. Fix One Element:
    Iterate through the array and fix one element. For each fixed element, find two other elements (using two pointers) such that their sum equals the negative of the fixed element.

  3. Use Two Pointers:
    After fixing one element, use two pointers:

    • One pointer starts just after the fixed element.
    • The other pointer starts at the end of the array.
    • Move the pointers closer based on whether the current sum is less than, equal to, or greater than zero.
  4. Avoid Duplicates:
    Skip duplicate elements to ensure the triplets are unique.

  5. Add Valid Triplets:
    If the sum of the triplet is zero, add it to the result list.

Solution Code in Java

import java.util.*;

public class ZeroSumTriplets {

    public static List<List<Integer>> findTriplets(int[] nums) {
        List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
        Arrays.sort(nums); // Step 1: Sort the array

        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length - 2; i++) {
            if (i > 0 && nums[i] == nums[i - 1]) {
                continue; // Skip duplicates for the first element

            int left = i + 1; // Pointer 1
            int right = nums.length - 1; // Pointer 2

            while (left < right) {
                int sum = nums[i] + nums[left] + nums[right];

                if (sum == 0) {
                    result.add(Arrays.asList(nums[i], nums[left], nums[right]));

                    // Move both pointers and skip duplicates
                    while (left < right && nums[left] == nums[left + 1]) left++;
                    while (left < right && nums[right] == nums[right - 1]) right--;

                } else if (sum < 0) {
                    left++; // Move the left pointer to increase the sum
                } else {
                    right--; // Move the right pointer to decrease the sum

        return result;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] nums = {-1, 0, 1, 2, -1, -4};
        List<List<Integer>> triplets = findTriplets(nums);

        System.out.println("Triplets with zero sum: " + triplets);

Explanation of the Code

  1. Sorting: The array is sorted to simplify the two-pointer approach.
  2. Outer Loop: Iterates through the array and fixes one element at a time.
  3. Inner Logic with Two Pointers:
    • Adjusts pointers based on the sum of the triplet.
    • Adds valid triplets to the result list while skipping duplicates.
  4. Output: The program prints all unique triplets with a zero sum.


  • Time Complexity:
    Sorting the array takes O(nlogn), and the two-pointer approach runs in O(n2), making the overall complexity O(n2).
  • Space Complexity:
    O(n) for storing the result list.

This solution is efficient and easy to implement for finding triplets with zero sum.

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Monday, 22 April 2024

Why Learning to Code Matters in Computer Science

Coding is like giving instructions to a robot or a computer. You tell them what to do, step by step, and they do it. But it's not just about making computers do things; it's about solving puzzles and being creative!
Imagine you have a big problem to solve, like figuring out how to make a game or a cool app. Coding is the tool you use to make your ideas come to life. It's like having a magic wand that turns your thoughts into reality on a screen.
Learning to code isn't just about memorizing lots of complicated stuff. It's about learning how to think in a special way – a way that helps you break down big problems into smaller, manageable pieces. It's like solving a puzzle where every piece you put together gets you closer to the solution.
And guess what? Knowing how to code opens up tons of job opportunities! Companies all over the world are looking for people who can code because they need help making websites, apps, and all kinds of cool tech stuff. So, if you learn to code, you'll have lots of chances to find a fun and rewarding job.
But coding isn't just for getting jobs. It's also super important for understanding the world around us. Think about it: almost everything we use today, like smartphones, video games, and even smart home devices, runs on code. So, when you learn to code, you're not just learning a skill – you're learning how the world works!
In simple terms, coding is like learning a new language – a language that lets you talk to computers and create amazing things. So, if you're curious about how things work and love solving puzzles, learning to code might just be the perfect adventure for you!

Friday, 24 March 2023

NCERT Class 8th Textbook Mathematics/Ganit/Riyazi


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Sunday, 26 February 2023

Pointers in C Programming

In this post we are going to discuss:

  • Variables and their Memory Addresses
  • Pointers
  • Storing Address of Pointer
  • Pointer Arithmetic


Variables are the names given to memory locations. Every variable is stored at a unique memory location, it is very difficult to remember each location's address, so each location is assigned a name which can be easily remembered. Suppose we declare an integer variable as follows:

int a=10; //a is the name of memory location where constant 10 is stored

Let us say address of variable a is 2004, so we can represent it as:


Here we can say that

Value of a is 10 or Value at Address 2004 is 10

Address of a is 2004

Pointers : These are special variables which are used to store address of another variable. In C language we can declare a pointer using following syntax:

data-type *ptr;

Here data-type is any built-in or user defined data type.

Asterisk (*) symbol is used to tell compiler that we are declaring a pointer.

ptr is the name of pointer variable.

Note: Asterisk (*) symbol has multiple uses in C language. It is used as symbol for multiplication, it is used to declare pointers and it is also used to find value at given address,

Two Special Operators:

Asterisk (*) : Value at Address Operator

Ampersand (&) : Address of Operator

Asterisk (*) is used to find value at an address. Address is usually stored in a pointer variable.

Ampersand (&) is used to refer to address of a variable or a function.

Pointer Example:

Output :

Value of a is 10
Address of a is 2004
Value of a is 10
Address of a is 2004

In above code we have declared an int variable a with initial value 10, ptr is a pointer variable of type int.

Note: data-type of pointer variable and of variable who's address is to be stored in pointer must be same. 

In our example ptr is used to store address of a i.e 2004. (data-type of a and ptr is same i.e. int)


Suppose address of a is 2004 and of ptr is 3002.

In first printf we are printing value of a

In second printf will display address of a i.e. 2004,

In 3rd printf we are printing value at address stored in ptr i.e. value at 2004 which is also 10

In last printf it will simply display the address stored in ptr i.e. 2004.


It will display address of ptr which is 3002.


Let us evaluate above printf: &ptr is 3002 so it becomes *(*3002), now value at 3002 is 2004 again 

value at 2004 is 10. So it will print value of a which is 10.

How to store address of a pointer?

In case we want to store address of a pointer we need a double pointer. To declare a double pointer we need two asterisk (**) followed by pointer name. If we need to store address of double pointer we need triple pointer and so on.
int a=10;
int *ptr1,**ptr2;

Let us say address of a is 2004, address of ptr1 is 3002 and address of ptr2 is 4200.

If we refer to a it is 10.
If we refer to ptr1 it is 2004.
If we refer to ptr2 it is 3002.

Address of a i.e. &a is 2004.
Address of ptr1 i.e. &ptr1 is 3002.
Address of ptr2 i.e. &ptr2 is 4200.

Value at ptr1 i.e. *ptr1 is 10.
Value at ptr2 i.e. *ptr2 is 2004.
**ptr2  is **3002 which is *2004 which is 10.

Pointer Arithmetic

Like normal variables pointer variables may also be used with some operators in C. Here are some important points for pointer arithmetic:

Integer can be added or subtracted in a pointer variable i.e. we can add or subtract integers in pointer variables using + (plus) and - (minus) operators.

We cannot apply *, /, % operators to pointer variable i.e. we cannot multiply/divide/modulus integers with pointer variables.


int a=10;

int *ptr;

printf("%u",ptr+2);//valid two location after 2004

It will print ptr + 2 * sizeof(int) i.e. ptr+4 (if int takes 2 bytes) (2008)

printf("%u",ptr-3);//valid 3 locations before 2004

It will print ptr - 3 * sizeof(int) i.e. ptr-6 (if int takes 2 bytes) (1998)

printf("%u",ptr*2);//It will generate error

printf("%u",ptr/2;)//It will generate error

printf("%u",ptr%4);//It will generate error

We cannot apply *, /, %, + to two pointer variables, i.e. we cannot multiply/divide/modulus/add two pointer variables. But two pointer variables can be subtracted.


int *ptr1,*ptr2;


printf("%u",ptr1+ptr2);//It will generate error

printf("%u",ptr1*ptr2);//It will generate error

printf("%u",ptr1/ptr2);//It will generate error

printf("%u",ptr1%ptr2);//It will generate error

Note: Pointer variables are used to store addresses of memory which can be related to addresses of some houses. Like we usually say that my house is located after or before 3 (or any other number) houses of some person. It means we usually add or subtract numbers from real house addresses. We also say that there is a difference of 2 (or any other number) houses in my house and his/her house.

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Sunday, 22 January 2023

Defining member functions in C++

 Defining member functions in C++

In C++ when we create a function inside a class it is known as member function. A member function in C++ can be defined in two different ways:

  • We can define function inside the class i.e. body of the member function will be provided inside class definition.

  • We can declare function inside the class i.e. its prototype will be declared inside the class definition but its definition i.e. its body will be defined outside the class.
If we know that our function definition is small in length, it does not contain any loops or any other complex statements then we may define member function inside the class. If a member function is defined inside a class then compiler may try it treat it as inline function. As a result all the advantages and drawbacks of inline functions will come along.



a = 10

b = 20

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Another way is to give prototype of function inside the class i.e. function can be declared inside the class and its definition is provided outside the class. If we define a member function outside the class then we have to use scope resolution operator to differentiate it from functions of other classes.



a = 10

b = 20

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In case we declare member function inside the class then location of its declaration will decide its visibility i.e. it is public, private or protected. In our case both member functions are declared in public section so they are public in nature.

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Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Scope Resolution (::) Operator in C++

 Scope Resolution (::) Operator in C++

Scope Resolution Operator in C++ is denoted by two consecutive colon (::) symbols. The common uses of Scope Resolution Operator:

  • It is used to access global variable in a program if it has same name as of a local variable in a function.
  • It is used to define static variables outside class.
  • It is used to access static member functions and static data members outside class.
  • It is used to define a member function outside the class.
  • It is used to resolve ambiguity in case of multiple inheritance.
  • It is used to refer data members and member functions of a nested class.
  • It is used to access classes and objects from a namespace.

Now we will discuss each of the above uses one by one with suitable examples.
  • If we declare a global variable in a C++ program and it has same name as of some local variable in a function then by default local variable is accessed & it hides the visibility of global variable.

The above code will display "a = 50".
Now to make global variable visible in main function we will use scope resolution operator:

The above code will display "a = 50" and "a = 100" in next line.

  • Static variables declared within a class must also be defined outside the class, for this scope resolution operator is used.
  • Scope resolution operator is also used to access static members i.e. static data members (class variables) and static member functions outside the class. Example:
In this example we have declared static variable "a" inside class and it also has been defined outside the class using scope resolution operator with initial value 10.

In main function scope resolution operator is also used to access member function "display()" as well as class variable (static variable) "a".  Program will display "a = 10" and "a = 11" as output.

  • In C++ we can define member functions inside as well as outside the class. If member function is to defined outside the class then its declaration must be provided inside the class and definition must begin with identity label using class name and scope resolution operator like:
return-type class-name::function-name(parameter list)
I will explain this with help of example given below:

In class abc show function is declared inside but its definition is given outside the class using scope resolution operator. class-name::(abc::) is identity label which used to differentiate same name methods of different classes.

  • In case of multiple inheritance if more than one base class has same name member function, then the the derived class will have definition of both the functions but when one of the function is called then an error will be there. (Ambiguity in multiple inheritance)
To resolve ambiguity we use scope resolution operator. Example:

    Class A
    Class B
    Class C

In above example classes A,B & C has function fxn(). Class C is derived class which inherit both A &B. So, in class C we have three definitions of fxn() will cause ambiguity when called by the object of Class C i.e. ob, to resolve this we have used scope resolution operator as:
    ob.A::fxn();// it will call fxn() of Class A
    ob.B::fxn();// it will call fxn() of Class B
    ob.C::fxn();// it will call fxn() of Class C

  • Sometime we define a class within another class which is known as nested class, to declare object of the nested class we use scope resolution operator.

Outer Class A
Inner Class B

We have used scope resolution operator to declare object of class B which is nested inside class A.

  • We can use objects from a namespace without using namespace declaration. It can be achieved with help of scope resolution operator.

#scoperesolutionoperator #nestedclass #staticclass #cpp #multipleinheritance #inheritance #local #global
#auto #break #case #char
#const #continue #default #do
#double #else #enum #extern
#float #for #goto #if
#int #long #register #return
#short #signed #sizeof #static
#struct #switch #typedef #union
#unsigned #void #volatile #while

#Keywords  #Identifier
#Variables  #Constants
#Input #output #functions